i always found the term "heavy petting"
rather hysterical.
the only thing i pet heavily
is every single animal i encounter,
but that isn't what heavy petting
usually means.
i just think it's funny regardless.
i wanted to bask in the humor with you.
i just tried to save a spider from going down
the drain in my shower,
and i think he may be waterlogged,
but he could also be dead.
some spiders will trick you and play dead
whilst planning their grand escape,
dillinger style.
i hope he's just messing with me,
but he wasn't looking too good.
i feel bad that folks hate on them so hard,
and get so excited when they are killed.
i understand it,
a little,
they are totally horrifying.
but also really amazing.
i think it really beats that people hate so hard,
due to the ugliness
that most spiders seem to share.
i mean, talk about being born unlucky.
people hate things more if they are ugly;
it isn't a good thing,
but it's usually true.
people can't tolerate it.
everything seems like a metaphor when you look for signs.
i'm just hoping the little ugly survives,
poor baby.
nasty way to go!