not one,
not two,
but THREE,
yes, three flippin' rainbows on my way home this evening.
i'm praying it's a sign.
it would almost have to be, right?
i'm just going to go ahead and say it is.
i could really use some positive rainbow beams
right about now,
and maybe a unicorn.
well, the unicorn isn't necessary...
but they are really kick-ass
and that counts.
what a bummer reality can be sometimes.
no super-heroes (besides dad),
no unicorns or manticores,
no leprechauns;
but i hate leprechauns so i'm glad they aren't real.
i know a real life harpy...
...but she isn't cool in any way.
what hope do we even have here?
we need some avengers-style,
ass-kicking awesomeness here
and no one is following through!
a ninja or some kind of battle-dwarf
would suffice.
jeez, c'mon universe...
let's get this going.
i'm not asking for much.