this picture is of my little sister when she was a wee thing.
i always thought it was funny, and cute.
those goggles are so good.
the spider i spoke of yesterday did end up dying,
in case any of you were waiting with baited breath for that news!
it's hard to say whether or not he was old...
or what sex he was...
or anything else about him really.
he was brown, and small.
i should have put him in the toilet where
all small brown things usually go,
but instead i put him in the windowsill
where he might have wanted to be if he(or she) were still living!
i had a really awesome spider in that very window for a long time.
i used to feed him mosquitoes.
he just up and left me one day...
so i think that one was a boy!
haha, just kidding!
it was so nice to hear from my brother today.
it is always nice to hear from him,
but today he was really happy,
which of course made me really happy.
he is the best one!
the weather was awesome today...
i was enjoying the breeze through my window at work.
the worst is when you are huffing up on some fresh air
and you suddenly get a big fat revolting whiff of cigarette on the same breeze.
i mean, there are definitely worse things to get a whiff of...
but still.