weed smoking weirdos need to fall back.
i'm not sure i understand the drug culture,
it really doesn't seem cool to me.
do drugs actually make you cooler?
i know they don't make people smarter,
and yet folks will bond and revel in the fact
that they are huge stoned-out losers without futures.
it's kind of like rednecks and white supremacists.
they are NEVER cool,
and certainly the farthest things from smart.
it's repulsive.
i'm not saying everyone who partakes in the occasional
illegal substance is an a*shole,
but the people who get psyched on being "stoners"
are definitely not awesome.
drugs in general,
are not awesome.
sorry stoners,
but not really.
i might be a treehugger,
but i'm sober
so at least i know why i'm hugging it.