helloooo springtime!
the weather is definitely getting warmer
and i like it!
the frogs are loud around here right now.
they are busy "getting busy".
not really.
they are just doing what animals do
this time of year
when love is in the air!
babies will ensue.
they always do.
i really like tadpoles,
and all froglike lovelies.
they are just so dang cute.
i feel as though i worked really hard today.
but i didn't, actually.
maybe i'm just tired because my
poor full brain is exhausted.
that must be what's going on here.
i tattooed a dude named nick
who is from my home state!
he even knew some people we know!
he also knew the very best pizza in the world is made in connecticut.
new haven to be exact.
he surprised me.
the cover of his book was nothing like the inside!
i was actually impressed!
i guess that lame saying exists for a reason.
i did judge him instantly when he came through
the door...
i admit it.
i have to stop doing that.
i would stop,
if i wasn't almost always right.
which i am.
but sometimes you get thrown a fastball, or whatever.
i feel as if most of the time i'm a psychic,
because i'm SO good at judging people.
i don't get surprised a bunch, that's all.
shame on me!
i'm okay with it, i'll sleep tonight.