i've decided to turn commenting off on this blog.
i forgot about internet surfers who want to start flame wars.
i'm still new with this blog business,
and i certainly don't need angry people
(who can't accurately interpret what i've written)
writing nasty things to or about me.
i mean, go for it,
if you've met me,
but otherwise,
i don't give a lick what you think.
i started this blog so my friends and family
can read about what's on my brain during the day,
not to incite opinion-fights with web-surfing,
argument-starting crybabies
who misunderstand what i'm writing about.
it's rubbish.
for the record...
i totally laugh at stoner movies.
they are always good for a laugh.
so are stoners.
i was speaking of specific asswipes who bust out the bong in front of the kids
and don't do anything all day but sit around and drool on themselves.
they can go die,
and so can the high,
but not mighty,
mother-licker who wrote that shitty comment yesterday.
go poop in your diaper on someone else's blog.