dang, dang, dang.
albie and i sometimes forget we are covered in tattoos,
and probably look like we deal drugs.
rich white people don't understand how folks with tattoo coverage
aren't filthy drug addled freak shows.
i can't say i blame them to be honest with you.
...and you have a pit bull...DANG!
it is especially apparent when looking for a house to rent
and meeting the landlord who instantly decides there is NO
way he's going to rent to you because you are clearly a raging
skank who probably deals drugs,
or at least does enough of them to trash his house and not care.
what a drag.
what can you do though?
well, for starters, showing up in a shiny subaru outback is
definitely a start!
it wasn't a rusty buick...which is a plus.
we are still plugging away at our ridiculous living situation.
it's all such an incredible hassle.
i will keep you updated...we are waiting to hear back,
but i'm not holding my breath.
i have a fear of suffocating.