
face full of stars

has anyone read about the teenager
who recieved 56 star tattoos on her face?
by accident?
that is so ridiculous.
she claims she fell asleep
and the artist just went to town
tattooing a map of the constellations
on her face!!
first of all...
i highly doubt anyone would fall asleep
during facial tattoos.
who is that relaxed during that procedure?
she was only supposed to be getting three stars
which should only take 15-20 minutes, if that.
she most likely passed out
and in that case,
(or in a case of falling asleep)
the artist should have stopped tattooing her altogether!
i wonder how that court case is going to pan out.
either one or both of them is lying.
what an unfortunate situation for everyone involved,
but mostly the girl who ended up with stars all over her face.