i used to make so many cards
like this out of magazing pages,
and this one applies to todays blog...sort of.
i'm hoping the universe
starts doing the right thing.
i need signs.
i thought i saw a shooting star
through the trees last night...
but i wasn't certain,
and therefore
had no time to wish on it!
i'm going to just imagine it definitely was one
and make a wish on it anyways!
i'm also going to try to remain positive,
and not wish death on those who definitely deserve it.
i know it's wrong to think such awful thoughts,
but c'mon!
some people have it coming so hard!!
if the universe has a plan i'm hoping she will right the wrongs!
i don't dwell on these things...
but i do think of them more when i'm in certain situations
where i'm witnessing said sh*theads
doing their dishonest doings.
in other news,
the kids went swimming this morning
and then we had lunch at out favorite coffee shop!
that was fun, and refreshing.
they really are great, and funny too.
they make the weirdest faces and say the oddest things!
i just love them up!
i trust everyone had a decent easter
and made some memories!
i think we did.
albie just made his famous broccoli bread,
so i must go and ingest such goodness.