this was done a while back...
the tree is upset because his friends got chopped up!
we just saw monsters vs. aliens,
and it was amazing!
i've always found monsters to be infinitely better than aliens.
monsters are almost always nicer.
it seems to me aliens are hell bent on some mind-control
and the destruction of the earth and it's inhabitants!
i'm just really not into that.
i'm not talking about ALL aliens obviously,
but probably most of them.
i had the scariest thought a moment ago...
imagine if there was such a thing as television aliens!
not like alf or star trek, either;
television is definitely a form of mind-control,
but it would be THAT much worse if you knew it's hateful mission!
they are bad enough when they are stationary!
other than that nonsense,
we are having a full blown easter explosion!
the girls are wearing their easter dresses and laughing,
albie is being manly in the kitchen,
and i'm drinking tea and cleaning!
i think we are doing it right!
everyone is peaceful including my doggies!
the wind outside seems to be the only thing stirring ferociously!
happy easter to all of you,
i hope you are having a lovely day,
with full bellies and happy hearts!