
i am a complainer!

sometimes i wish i didn't turn off the commenting option
on this blog so i could see who agrees with what i'm writing!
i don't, however, care about people who DISagree...
which is why i don't have comments.
today i will be complaining about previously recorded songs
being covered by newer bands with 'funkier' renditions.
i mostly hate it.
usually the songs were good the first time,
and don't need some unoriginal ass recycling and doing them AGAIN.
even if they were done in the eighties...
leave them be...
they are awesome!

i guess it doesn't make me mad enough to
write about it in two paragraphs!

i do think we should do this house full
vacation style,
and get a maid.
how am i supposed to feel like i'm on vacation
if i'm expected to clean?!
i obviously don't have a lot to say today...
but i can always talk about stuff i don't like!
what a jerk i am!