
a little bit of skank (goes a long way)

more house-hunting.
it is almost comical how you can love a house so much,
right up until you walk into the basement...
or pull back a weird curtain,
or look in the dang backyard,
or find the source of a otherwise unexplained smell
we were walking through one that seemed pleasant enough
and then...
a skanky wet basement that looked
like it should be filled with dead animal carcasses.
i'm sure upon further inspection
we would find that my assessment was correct.
i can get passed a little skank,
but sometimes (or always) it leads to a worse
issue of skankdom that cannot be conquered easily.
we are trying not to get bummed,
it isn't going to be easy
but hopefully it will be worthwhile
and NOT filled with carcasses of any kind,
animal or otherwise!