
just stuff

so lowe's and home depot
are my new favorite hangouts apparently!
i find myself there more than i should.
i collect good ideas
and things i probably don't need...
but i'm okay with it.

i try to get most things i need at local shops
because that is the way it should be...
but the depot and the like
carry a bunch of stuff the local joints do not.
today i purchased a really amazing metal
antique looking hanging basket to put my newly
purchased hanging low light plant in.
i find it to be incredibly exciting to gaze upon.
those of you who have been to any of the places i have lived
know i have a plant problem.
i just love them...everywhere.
they make me feel at home...
which inexplicably may be a tropical jungle!

i haven't been blogging as much as i should be,
but i'm blaming the kids for that.
we just HAVE to go have fun
which really leaves me little or no time for myself.
they go home tomorrow,
so it should get regular-ish after that!

i should have blogged about my awesome dad
and stepmomma who recently payed a visit to
the new house,
took us all out to eat several times...
bought treats and spent time making memories.
thank you.
we love you the most ever.