it's a real scorcher in the mountains today!
i ran around more than i like to ,
and got much sweatier than i'm thinking is okay,
i'm feeling good and busy
like i'm actually accomplishing something.
whether i actually am or not remains a mystery!
we are going full busy bee for the next couple days
and if all goes as it's supposed to,
we should be in a house we can call our own!
i will keep you informed
about the goings-on of this long
strange trip we seem to be on!
it has been long and strange
and downright sweaty and stressful...
but if we actually accomplish this very grown-up thing
i'm going to be really impressed!
i mentioned a long strange trip
and being sweaty...
but back off hippies, i'm wearing deodorant
so i'm not one of you!
be well folks and keep everything crossed for us!