
lions, tigers and hairbats?

porcupines, foxes, and bears
it is like a wildlife park over here!
i'm getting used to scoping out the yard
before putting the dogs outside.
it is due to the simple fact that they will most
certainly confront whatever animal is around
and i'm pretty positive a bunch of quills to the dome
isn't only unpleasant...
it's expensive!
i have to keep my eyes open 'round these parts!

i bought the pups some black fly spray
because they are chewed up!
it's gross.
the bugs are aggressive up here in new hampshire.
after 5p.m. underneath the deck is like the temple of doom
it is scary stuff i tell you!
i saw a spider last night the size of a half dollar.
it was downright unacceptable!

in other unrelated news...
i woke up with a hair bat on my head!
for those of you who aren't familiar with the hair bat;
it is when you wake up and all your hair is on the sides
of your head and there is no hair in the back.
hair bat.
i am seeing animals everywhere!