it turns out that the star-faced teen
was lying and actually did ask for 56
stars on her face.
what a shock.
i'm actually not shocked at all,
i just wasn't sure you sensed the sarcasm.
what is the world coming to?
she tried to blame that all on the tattoo artist...
even going so far as threatening a lawsuit.
what a winner.
she said she was lying about it
because her father became upset
after seeing her star spangled face piece.
what did she expect her father to say?
i would normally say
he should have severely punished her;
but i'm almost positive living the rest
of her life with that crap all over her face
will forever be a testament to her insanely bad choices.
if she isn't in the career she always wanted
she might want to think twice about those lasers...
because she is now highly unemployable.
what a downer.
i have devoted too much time to this ridiculous story...
but i felt the need for a follow up in case ya'll
didn't get updated by the news.