i love myself an isolated t-storm!
i don't even care if it's isolated,
as long as it is over my house a bit so i can enjoy it.
i've been waiting for a good one.
we haven't really had one yet this year,
and i feel if it's gonna rain it might as well bring the thunder!
so much more exciting!
the weatherman alleges we may see one today,
and i hope he is right.
albie and i have some business to take care of this afternoon
(of a grown-up variety)
and then hopefully a bit of enjoying the day will happen!
who knows,
could be rain, could be shine,
could be a bad-ass booming isolated t-storm!
i'm ready for whatever this day wants to bring.
unless, of course,
it's un-fun crap.
i might just decide to curl up in the fetal position,
but at least i'm forming a plan!