all i can say of this event is we all survived,
but barely.
olive, summoned up some dog magic
and we became her slaves for four hours.
....that isn't true at all,
but this picture is downright frightening!
at this moment i am missing
my good friend kristen b.
she just e-mailed me and it made me miss her.
she has two beautiful children
i haven't met and that bums me out!
she asked me where the time goes
and i have no answer,
or even any idea where our mysterious friend Time goes.
i have been wondering that a lot lately!
today flew by,
but i think i actually made some progress!
i'm not too shabby with the packing...
i'm a packing powerhouse of fury!
well, maybe the "fury" is a bit much
but i'm thinking i should start
rocking a cape no matter what.
i deserve it.
the kids went home this morning.
total bummer.
no little voices playing and singing.
no small shoes or tiny clothes.
i have no hair-do's to make!
i will, however, start up some pen pals;
because we do that!
i have no idea what to have for dinner
and i watched albie scarf a banana
so i might be on my own!
i haveart in me that needs making, but i can't!
this packing business is cramping my art flow~
everything is put away
so it makes it hard to create!
i have been creating some epic laundry piles,
but other than that...
i think the dogs might be confused about all this
packing and moving.
i might be as well!
i have to go find some fabric to fashion a cape.
i'll let you know how it goes.