i feel that today could have been a much better day.
today was a day for grown-ups.
i'm clearly not a grown-up,
especially not today.
documents. papers. taxes.
papers with numbers all over them...
papers with numbers AND letters mixed together all over them.
i don't recall being taught how to read a bunch of horseshit.
you need "people" to read the horseshit for you,
to go through it with you,
to wade in it and understand it,
and then eat it.
i know this sounds negative,
but that's just because it is.
today was not a good day for me to be a grown up
and tomorrow isn't shaping up to be much better.
i am going to try and muscle through it but i might not be that strong.
i will try, of course.
i always try.
my friends and family have been great
listening to my whining and giving only positive feedback.
i am grateful for this.
it will work out,
it has to...right?
grown-up stuff can shove right off.