
virtual friends

i just read a question on the dot com.
it read "are virtual friends real friends?"
that's an easy one:
i'm not saying people cannot make new friends online...
that is NOT what i'm saying.
i'm saying myspace and facebook and the like
promote the fake friends...
the "friends" who share your last name so they feel you should talk.
the "friends" who want to bookmark your b-day,
although they have no idea who you are.
i'm sure i have some stuff in common with thousands of people...
but in no way do they get labeled "friend."
friends are people i would spend time with at my house.
friends are people who i would cook dinner for,
and call when i'm sad.
i would also hope they would call me
when they felt the same.
i love my friends and have no use for myspacers
who i don't want to share my space with offline.
i am grateful for the long lost friends who have
contacted me through facebook.
they started as real friends and
will always remain my real friends.
i don't like friend maintainence
unless they are actual friends.
i kick it old school.