
unflavorful silliness

i want to share something i find amusing.
scents and flavors of certain things really stress me out!
for instance...
right now in the bathroom at this rental house
we have a few different rain scented items that
smell nothing like any rain i have ever smelled.
i believe one of them is called "after the rain"
which i have identified (as i've mentioned in a previous blog)
as worms.
also watermelon flavored anything tastes NOTHING like
any variety of watermelon.
green apple?
don't get me started.
i don't know who these unknowers are
who named these things,
but i am officially mad at them.
a tasty green apple flavored candy treat would be delightful
but what you get can only be described as green.
apples are good...
green apple candy is not.
some folks who make jelly beans
(candy beans) got it right
but they are the only ones.
utter silliness.