
oh so guilty

we left the house early today
to go get disappointed by some more houses.
i thought before work i would
sneak back home to let my
dogs out before my" work day" began.
no such luck.
i felt heavy guilt all day about not letting them out
and couldn't help but picture them like little cartoons
holding their bladders with sad expressions on their faces.
that might be over the top
but not completely unrealistic
(if you know my dogs)
it was a beautiful warm day today
which made the guilt heavier.

i did leave work an hour early and ran them around
but now we are about to go out and eat.
at least they did their business and got a bit of exercise.

i have been sleeping so hard these days
because they are filled to the tippety top with activity!
i would like to have some fun sometime soon as an activity.
that would be a nice time!
i'm off abandoning my pups AGAIN!
i'm such a bad mom!